The Epistle of Jude was written at the beginning of the second century. It contains up apocryphal parts like in the book "Enoch and the Ascension of Moses". It warns against those who spread false teaching about Christ and the Angels. Tradition has it that Jude,
a brother of James the younger and accordingly a brother of the Lord, is supposed to be the author of the Epistle who is supposed to be the same person as Thaddeus. However this Jude seems to be different from the Jude who was one of the Apostles. In the Gospels, this disciple hardly stands out from the 12. According to the
traditional legend he is said to have done important missionary work, for example in Palestine and Syria and Persia, Arabia and Mesopotamia, he is supposed to have died in Edessa. The legend also recounts that he was the brideroom in the wedding of Cana and that he had a faithful wife who accompanied him on his travels (1 Cor 9,5). Peter's second Epistle probably used this Epistle for
inspiration. The defense of the church against false teaching by immoral chatterers.
Trees that do not bear fruit in the fall.
Twice withered and parched.
However the name Jude is a pseudonym.