And the Lord spoke to Moses and said: Und der Herr redete mit Mose und sprach: The children of Israel must bring you pure oil from crushed olives, and a light so that you can consistently apply lamps.Aaron shall prepare the candlesticks in the tabernacle outside the curtain in front of the ark of testimony, so that they will remain alight from morning till evening. The lamps on the lampstand shall be made of fine gold so that they light up constantly before the Lord.
Thou shalt bake twelve loaves of bread from two tenths of the finest flour and put them in two rows on the golden table. Lay pure frankincense as a memorial offering by the whalebones as a fire offeringunto the Lord.
Prepare this for every Sabbath as a lasting gift of the children of Israel unto the Lord.And they shall belong to Aaron and his sons. They shall eat them in a holy place. As highly sanctified items, they belong to Aaron and his sons.