Mephi-bosheth also came to meet the king. And he had not washed until now because of the king. The king asked him: “Why did you not go with me?” He answered, “My servant has deceived and betrayed me.” The king answered him, “What is all this talk? You and Ziba shall divide the property between you.”
Barzillai said to the king, “How many more days do I have left of my life, that I should go with the king to his court? What is good or bad, I do not remember. I hear, I taste, eat and drink very little. Why should I still burden my king? Let me turn back, that I may die in my city after I accompany you a short way over the Jordan. See, here is Chimham, he shall go with the king.” And when they had crossed the Jordan, David kissed Barzillai and blessed him.