And the Lord spoke unto Moses and said: Speak unto Aaron, his sons, and the people of Israel: Anyone from the people of Israel who slaughters a bull, sheep or goat in the camp or outside it, and not at the door of the tabernacle, shall be credited with blood debt. “Shed he blood, such a person shall be cut off from his people.” The children of Israel shall therefore not slaughter their animals in the open field, but bring them to the priest instead before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle, who will then perform a thanks offering to the Lord. He shall sprinkle the blood on the altar, and burn the fat in smoke for a sweet fragrance unto the Lord. Ye shall not wander the fields and make offerings, for that would mean committing idolatry. This is an eternal order from generation to generation. Whoever does not follow this, shall be cut off from his people.