The church of God grows past its boundaries. God says: maintain justice, and do what is right. Keep the Sabbath, do nothing evil. A place in my house for the circumcised. I would bring the foreigner to the holy mountain, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted. For my house will be a house of prayer for all the peoples. I will yet gather others to him, in addition to his own who are gathered. Lament about the shepherd of the people. Animals of the field, of the forests, the shepherds are blind, without understanding, greedy they want to fill themselves with strong drink... The righteous, the devout are taken away. Come rebellious children of the magician, whores, adulterers. You who become inflamed with your idolatrous symbols, who sacrifice your children over the rocky cliff into the valley. You have turned away from Me, you practice mockery. You went to the kings with oil, yea, down into the kingdom of the dead. Only because I was silent, you did not fear us. Yet make away I will give salvation to the people But there is no peace for the wicked.