Isaiah and his family 740 Prophetic vocation. High intelligence with a strong belief. His own sayings combined with those of his disciples and successors. "Oxen knows its master, and donkeys know where their masters feed them" "But Israel does not know, and my people do not understand." It's not easy to put a prophet like Isaiah into a sequence of pictures. I'll start by putting three levels of space in front of each other: 1. In the foreground - illustrate the words of the Prophet as well as possible (just as he did) 2. Put the historical period behind it - possibly filling all the space 3. The divine counteraction, matters of faith We did not succeed in keeping this scheme in the first instance at all levels. As I interiorize this man of God more deeply within me, many of the intentions of my apparent goal come more strongly to the fore. Yes with some compromises I even enter an empty field which I consider to be better than rigidly following a principal that can no longer live up to the subject matter