Great travail is created for every man, and a heavy yoke is upon the sons of Adam from the day of their coming forth from their mother's womb until the day for their burial in the mother of all things. Every one bears fear, hope, and death, whether born in high honor or in the dust and dung; whether he wear a crown or a hempen frock. There is always wrath, jealousy, trouble, disquiet, fear of death, hate, and strife Thoughts are stirred up during the night. And even if he only sees a little, it still has consequences. He soon becomes apprehensive in his sleep, seeing enemies coming towards him. And he tries to flee the battle in his sleep. He awakens in his distress, joyful that his fear was for nought. It is thus with all flesh, and with all men, but upon sinners 7x more. Murder, bloodshed, strife, the sword, calamity, hunger, tribulation, and scourge. Look, because of them came the flood. Everything which comes from the earth must return to the earth again, as all water returns to the sea.