A covetous man never has enough of that which is his portion. A jealous person begrudges others their bread. Do as much good to yourself as you can, but bring your offerings to the Lord. You have no contract with death; he will not wait. Do good to your friend before you die, and give to the poor. Defraud not yourself a good day, for you must give everything which you have achieved to others when you leave an inheritance. Give, and let others give to you. Everything living ages like a garment, for there is an age-old law: you must die in the end! Like the leaves on a tree, so it is for man as well. Some are born, and others die. Every earthly thing must have an end, and those who have made them will depart with them. Blessed is the man who meditates on wisdom and considers her ways in his heart. Go after her like one who tracks, listening at her doors and looking in at her windows. Lodge close to her. Set your children under her shelter, and rest in her shadow.