Give thanks to the Lord, and call on his name. Sing and play to him, and tell of all his marvelous works. Consider it, you offspring of Abraham and children of Jacob. The Lord remembers his covenant forever which he has commanded to a thousand generations. When they were but few in number, he gathered nation to nation and protected them. Then hunger came into the land of Canaan. Joseph was sold as a slave and placed in shackles, and his neck in iron, until his prophecies came true. He was made ruler over priests and elders. And Israel came into Egypt. Jacob lived in the land of Ham, and the people increased and became powerful. Then God sent Moses and Aaron. They performed miracles among them. The ten plagues came upon Egypt, and the people were led out with silver and gold. The Egyptians were glad. The lord spread out a cloud to cover them, and a column of fire to light up the night. He gave them the quails, the manna, and water from the rock, as well as the commandments.