Adonijah came to Bathsheba, Solomon's mother, and asked her if she could speak to Solomon and ask him to give him Abishag the Shunammite as his wife. Bathsheba went and was warmly greeted by her son, who also set up a throne for her, so she could sit down next to him.
When Bathsheba presented Adonijah’s petition to be given Abishag the Shunammite as his wife, Solomon became angry,
“Ask the kingdom for him also.” - Solomon swore by the Lord, and said, “This request shall cost Adonijah his life - this very day!” And Solomon sent Benaiah son of Jehoiada, who struck him down, so he died. And to Abiathar the priest, he commanded, “Go to your fields in Anathoth, for you are worthy of death. But I will not put you to death today.” Solomon thrust him out so that he could no longer be priest. When Joab found out about it, he fled to the tent of the Lord and held onto the horns of the altar. When Solomon heard of it, he sent Benaiah, saying, "Fall upon him." Joab stubbornly remained in the tent of the Lord. But the king insisted, and Benaiah did as his master commanded, and buried him in the desert near his house. Benaiah became captain of the army and Zadok took the place of Abiathar.