Letter to the Saints or a circular to the Roman province of Asia of which Ephesus was the capital. The author is unknown. But he has marked similarities with the Pauline tradition. For this reason the Epistle is counted as one of the captivity Epistles is and is one of the more important ones and has therefore been attributed to Paul. However there are signs that it was written at a later time (about 90 A.D., Paul is supposed to have died in 63 A.D.). In formal terms, this letter stays within the scope of a liturgy glorifying the Redeemer. Starting with an eloquent prayer of thanks this text is exclusively a commitment to Christ that is like a joyous, perfectly formed song of praise with multiple, sometimes spontaneous expressions taken from Paul's sayings in a brisk flowing stringendo. Paul speaks of the church as the body of Christ whose disciples form the extension of it with their body. Man and woman become one body - one flesh, partaking of the bread and therefore of the body of Christ. Christ, dead - risen again became as the renewer and the fulfiller of God's purpose with man.