Others in the wilderness were jealous of him, even Dathan and Abiram and their people, and the horde of Korah. But the Lord devoured them in wrathful anger. He sent horrible signs to them, choking them with his scorn. But he gave Aaron even more glory, giving him his inheritance, which was all the first fruits of the harvest and abundant bread. They were not allowed any portion of inheritance in the land or among the people; rather, the Lord himself was to be their inheritance. Phinehas, the son of Eleazar was the 3rd to come to glory in this way, because he was zealous in the fear of God. For, when the people of God were falling away, he made sons for Israel. Therefore, a covenant of peace was given to him. So he made a covenant with David, the son of Isaiah, from the tribe of Judah, that his sons could become kings. This inheritance should also belong to Aaron and his sons, so that your joy and your glory could not be abolished.