Oh death, how bitter you are in remembrance, you The man who has prosperity in all things and can still see well will have no troubles. How good you are, oh death, to the poor man who has nothing left to expect from life. Do not fear death; remember those who have been before you, and that come after. This is the will of the Lord. Do not refuse the will of the Most High. Whether you live 10, or 100, or 1,000 years – in death, no man asks you the length of your years. The children of the godless will be rejected. They will lose their inheritance, and they will be rejected. They will complain of their father, for they are reproached for his sake. Woe to an ungodly man – you were born to a curse, and if you shall die, a curse shall be your portion. The godless man shall go from a curse to perdition.