He was like a high cypress tree when he wore the magnificent robe
with exalted ornaments, and when he ascended to the holy altar, he made the sanctuary shine.
When he received the sacrifices out of the priests' hands, standing by the fire on the altar, his brothers
all stood around him like palm leaves, all the sons of Aaron in their ornaments, with the sacrifices in their hands for the Most High, the
Then he stretched out his hand to the cup, pouring red wine at the foot of the altar, a sweet smell for the Most High.
Then the sons of Aaron let the silver trumpets resound so that the Lord would remember the people. Then all the people fell down on their faces.
And the singers praised him with Psalms, and the whole house resounded again with beautiful songs.
But the people prayed to the Lord until the end of the service.
When he went down again, he lifted his hands to bless the Lord over
the whole people, who were praying and praising the Most High.