All the people but wanted David to come back to Jerusalem, and they said, “Has he not rescued us out of the hand of our enemies, the Philistines, and he had to flee out of the land because of his son. And the tribes took counsel. Then they sent to David and asked him to return to his people. They said, “Let us go out to meet him!” So the king came back over the Jordan with a thousand men of Benjamin and Ziba from the house of Saul and with his fifteen sons. And they made a ford across the Jordan for the royal family. Shimei, the son of Gera fell down before the king, and asked to be forgiven of his sin, because had cursed against the Lord. But Abishai wanted him to be put to death. But the king forgave him. Barzillai, who was more than eighty years old, also came and David gladly took him into the court, but ...