And they found and Egyptian and brought him to David. They gave him bread and water and a piece of a cake of figs and two raisin cakes. And when he had eaten, he revived, for he had not eaten bread or drunk water for three days. He was a slave of the Amalekites who had been left behind because he was sick. He lead David to the Amalekites.
And behold, they were spread around over the whole land. They were celebrating their great plunder, because they had taken many things with them.
And David struck them from the morning until the evening of the next day, so that none of them escaped, except 400 young men who mounted their camels and fled. So David recovered everything, including his two wives, Ahinoam and Abigail. And they drove the sheep and cattle before David.
David came to the 200 men at the brook Besor and they went out to meet him. But wicked men in David’s army did not want to share the plunder with those who had stayed behind. Then David said, “You will not do so, my brothers. The Lord has given everything into our hands, therefore we will share it with everyone.”