Every friend will say: I am your friend, but some are friends only in name.
When a companion or a friend is turned to enmity, the grief will remain
even to death.
Oh, how does the evil of falsehood come into the world?
If your friend is well, rejoice with him.
There is a companion who stands with his friend when it comes to the belly, but in the face of battle will hide himself behind the shield.
Think of your friend when you become rich.
Some counselors give counsel to their own purposes.
Therefore guard yourself before counselors; do not let them cast the lot upon you, so that they do not say: your way is good – even as they
watch you to see
what will happen to you.
Take not counsel with a man who looks askance at you; hide your plans from jealous people.
Take not counsel with a woman about her rival, neither with a coward about war, nor with a merchant about exchange or selling, nor with an unmerciful man about kindness, nor with an idle servant about how much work can be done.
Hold on to people who fear God, and to those who have sympathy with you when you founder.
Remain with those your heart counsels you to remain with, for the heart often knows more
than seven watchmen on a high watch-tower.
Entreat God, that he may lead you to success.
Consider what you want to do before you start to do it.
For in all things four things rise up: good and evil, life and death!
And the tongue rules over all of them continually.
Some people help others, but cannot help themselves.
Some people give shrewd advice but are not heard, and remain beggars because they do not possess the mercy and the wisdom of the Lord.
Some people are wise only to themselves.
A wise man is useful and will be praised.