The merciful man lends to his neighbor, for he who helps him keeps the commandments. He deals honorably with him. But when he should pay it back, there is a delay and he complains. Even if he can pay it back, he pays back only half, and considers the rest a profit. If he can't pay it, he deprives the other of his money. Not without cause will you make such a one your enemy.
For he pays with curses and railings, and he gives out abusive words as thanks.
Have patience with your neighbor in his need; give him time, in mercy, and for the sake of the commandments. Do not let him go away from you empty-handed.
It would be better to lose your money for your brother's or your friend's sake.
Collect a treasure for yourself in accordance with the commandments of the Most High: it will be better for you than gold.
Store up for yourself a treasure of good deeds; it will save you from every