And the Lord spoke to Moses and said: I am the Lord, your God. Ye shall not follow the path to Canaan, which is where I shall take you. You must also avoid following their ordinances, but instead follow my guidance. For he who does this shall live by them.No one shall draw near to blood relatives and have sexual relations with them. Thou shalt not have dealings with your father and natural mother.
Thou shalt not have dealings with the wife of your father. Thou shalt not have dealings with the daughter of your son or your daughter.In doing so, thou shalt dishonour yourself. Thou shalt not have dealings with the daughter of your father’s wife, begotten of thy father, who is your sister.
She is your father’s blood relative.
Thou shalt not defile your father’s brother so that you take his wife, for she is your relative.
Thou shalt not have dealings with your daughter-in-law.
Thou shalt not have dealings with the wife of thy brother.
Thou shalt not have dealings with a woman and her daughter, or even with her son’s daughter or her daughter. They are blood relatives. It is an outrage.
Thou shalt not take your wife’s sister as your concubine. As long as your wife is still alive, you shall have dealings only with her.
Thou shalt not go to a woman as long as she is menstruating. It is unclean.
Thou shalt also not lay with thy neighbour’s wife, so that you are unclean to her.
Thou shalt also not give away any of your children, so that it is doomed to Moloch, and if thy desecrate the name of thy God. I am the Lord!
Thou shalt not lay with a man as with a woman, it is an abomination!
Thou shalt not lay with any beast, so that you mayest be unclean.
Neither shall any woman lay with an animal. It is a shameful outrage!
Do not lay with anything with which ye may defile yourselves. Because by doing so you will have made the people impure, and I will cast them out before you. The land shall be impure. And I will visit his impurity at his residence, so that the land vomits out its inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep my laws, because those who do such atrocities shall have made the land unclean. They will be cut off and spat out.