Compensations No bloodguilt for killing a thief Bloodguilt - if the sun has risen A thief who has nothing will be sold for the value of his theft Stolen animals are refunded double Damages caused from fire - by animals, etc., must be paid from the best of the field. In case of fire, compensation must be made by the one who kindled the fire If money or objects left for safekeeping are stolen, they must be repaid twofold. Embezzlement - then appear before God - God will judge or require it to be repaid. If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed, then he will pay a dowery and make her his wife. If her father refuses - then money Sorceresses are to be put to death Those who lie with animals shall be put to death He who sacrifices to other gods and not to God shall be burned. Do not take advantage of foreigners Do not take advantage of widows or orphans, or God will become wrathful and kill you. Money lent to the poor shall not be on credit, no interest. If you take a garment as collateral, give it back before the sun rises Do not blaspheme God, nor the rulers of your people You shall not withhold the abundance of your field Give your firstborn to me, God - likewise with your cattle and sheep Eat no flesh that is torn by animals, throw it to the dogs and stretch out holy hands to me