Si 24:37
The law makes its teachings shine out like the Nile, or like Gihon in the fall.
Si 24:38
We will never come to the end of the wisdom of his teachings; no one can know them perfectly.
Si 24:39
For her thoughts are richer than the sea,
and her counsels deeper than the great deep.
So too, I came out from wisdom as a stream from a river,
a conduit led into a pleasure garden.
I will water my garden and water abundantly my garden bed.
Then my stream became a river, and my river became a sea.
Now I will let my instruction shine far and wide, like the light of the morning
which shines into the distance. I will pour out my words like a doctrine of prophecy
for our descendants.
Behold that I have not labored for myself alone, but for all those who diligently seek wisdom…