God says: I have created you and redeemed us, called by name. Held you in water, when you go through fire you will not burn. Egypt was my ransom money. God says: I give Cush and Sheba, people, nations in your place. I bring offspring from the East and gather from the West. To the north I say: give them up and to the south: don't hold them back. Bring my sons from far and my daughters for my honor.
The people and everything should gather together. There is no God before me
nor after me. My cohorts are advancing. Horses’ army and power. I make a path in the desert and streams of water. Wild animals, jackals, ostriches. You should proclaim my glory God says: I have not asked for much sacrifice from you nor incense or other costly spices. You have given me much trouble with your misdeeds; I acquit your sins Let us argue -
Hear me Jacob and Israel I will pour water on that which is thirsty and rivers on the parched earth. My spirit will be on the children and the descendants. They shall grow like grass and meadows by the stream In the hand will be read "Property of the Lord" Name Israel. The Lord Yahweh said: I am the first and the last. None but me. You are my witness. Idol makers are worthless. The smith hammers the knife in the braze. The carpenter stretches the string, chops the wood, rounds it off like a beautiful person. He chops down cedars, pines, oaks, fir trees that the rain has let grow.