And the Lord raised Hadad of Edom as an enemy of Solomon. Then Joab went up to Edom, and slew all the males at the order of David. Then Hadad fled to Egypt. And Pharaoh gave him land and a house for all those he brought from Edom. Pharaoh gave him the sister his wife Tahpenes as a wife. Hadad had his own son Genubath. And when Hadad heard that David died, and Joab also, he said to Pharaoh, “Let me return to my own country.” He returned and became king of Edom, and was full of hatred for Israel. God also raised up Rezon, the son of Eliada, as an adversary, who had fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah. He was captain of his troop and went to Damascus, took it and became king there and was against Israel, all the days of Solomon’s life.