I am as round as the full moon, bright with thoughts.
Listen to me, you holy children, and bud forth as a rose growing by
a brook of water. You will spread a sweet smell like frankincense, and put forth flowers as a lily.
Sing a song of praise – praise the Lord for all his works – magnify
his name! Praise him with singing and with harps, and sing
a song of thanks.
All of his works are good in their own season. The Lord God creates
what he wants by his own command.
All of man's works come from him; he sees from everlasting to everlasting.
His deeds appear right to the holy; only the godless stumble over them.
To live, man needs water, fire, iron, salt, flour, milk,
honey, wine, oil, and clothing. All these things are for good to the godly.
There be winds that are created for vengeance and for scourge.
There are fire, rivers, hail, and death. There are wild animals, scorpions, snakes,
and swords which he has made for punishment
They await God's commandment.
All of the works of the Lord are good, each in its own time and for its own purpose.
They have been made sensibly by the Lord. Therefore, we praise the Lord and thank him with our hearts and mouths.