And Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihus each took their pan and put fire therein, and laid incense and so brought a strange fire before the Lord. And there came a fire out of the Lord and devoured them, and they died. And Moses said unto Aaron, This is what the Lord said: I show myself to be holy only to those who are close to me; I will be glorified before all the people. Aaron was silent. But Moses called to Mishael und Elzaphan, Uzziel’s sons and Aaron’s uncle, and said unto them: Come near, carry your brethren out from the sanctuary. And Moses said: Ye shall not be confused and hang your hair.This is for Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar to do. Ye shall not tear your garments, lest ye perish. Let all Israel bewail the burning which the Lord has done. Ye shall not step away from the door of the tabernacle, lest ye perish. For the anointing oil of the Lord is upon you. But the Lord spoke to Aaron and said: You and your sons shall drink neither wine nor strong drink when you go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye perish. In this order, there is a differentiation between what is holy and unholy, and what is unclean or pure. And Moses spoke to Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, who were still left to him: Take the fire offering of the Lord, and eat it unleavened by the altar in the holy place as commanded. Thou and thy sons and daughters shall eat the breast of the swing offering and leg of the sacrifice of praise and do so in a clean place. This right is given unto you. Ye shall bring breast and leg to the fire offerings of fat that you will swing as a swing offering to the Lord. And Moses diligently sought the goat of the sin offering and found it to be burnt. He became angry with Eleazar and Ithamar and said: Why have you not eaten the sin offering in the holy place? It is sacrosanct – the Lord gave this to you so that you could take away the sins of the congregation and become absolved of your sins. Behold, the blood has not been sanctified! Aaron said unto Moses: Behold, on this day they have offered the Lord their sin offering and burnt offering and this is how it has fared as you can see. Shouldn’t I eat the sin offering today? Shouldn’t this please the Lord? And Moses acquiesced.