And the Lord spoke to Moses and said: Ye the children of Israel, ye shall be holy, for I am holy, the Lord, your God. Ye shall not turn to idols, or make molten gods. I am the Lord, your God! And if you want to bring the Lord a thanks offering, do so, if it pleases you. Only on the day of the offering or the next day. Whatever is left until the third day shall be burned with fire. If it is still eaten on the third day, it is an abomination and the guilty one must bear his sins and shall be cut off from the people, because he has desecrated the holy place of the Lord. Do not cut everything when you harvest it, and don’t glean it either. Even the vineyards and fallen berries should be taken, but the poor ones shall be left there. I am the Lord, your God! You shall not steal, nor lie and act deceitfully among you. Thou shalt not swear falsely by my name. Thou shalt not oppress thy neighbour, nor rob him. The day labourers shall not pay you till the morning. Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put obstacles before the blind, because you should be afraid of thy God. I am the Lord. You should not unjustly pass judgement. Thou shalt not prefer the poor, but also not favour the rich. But you shall judge your neighbour correctly. Thou shalt not go among your neighbour as an ally, or go against thy neighbours‘ lives. Thou shalt not hate thy brother. Thou shalt rebuke thy neighbour, lest you lay blame on yourself because of him! Thou shalt not avenge, nor preserve debt against the children of thy people. Thou shalt love thy neighbour, as yourself. Thou shalt follow my ordinances. Do not apply double standards among your people. Do not cultivate your crop with mingled seeds. Do not wear clothes that is woven of two kinds of thread. If a man lays with a woman who is a thrall and a man is determined to marry her, and she has not been purchased or released from someone else, then there will be punishment for this. But they must not perish, for they are not free. But the man must offer penance by bringing a ram before the tabernacle and laying it there as a guilt offering; to the Lord for his sin. When you all come to the land and plant trees from which you will eat, leave the first fruit on the tree or else you shall be unclean as when uncircumcised. Thou shalt deem the fruit impure for 3 years long, and shall not eat it. In the 4th year, all fruit shall be served under the jubilation of the Lord. Not until the 5th year shall you eat the fruit, so that you may continue to collect all its richer success. ● Thou shalt not reap in what still contains guilt. ● Thou shalt not practice divination or magic. ● Thou shalt not cut your hair into a round shape or trim your beard. ● Thou shalt not cut or make signs on your bodies in your Will upon death. ● Thou shalt not drive your daughter to whoredom, so that the land shall not practice prostiitution. ● Follow my sabbaths and stand in awe of my sanctuary. ● Thou shalt not turn to necromancers, interpret signs; you shall not question that you are not unclean. Thou shalt deem the fruit impure for 3 years long, and shall not eat it. In the 4th year, all fruit shall be served under the jubilation of the Lord. Not until the 5th year shall you eat the fruit, so that you may continue to collect all its richer success. ● Thou shalt not reap in what still contains guilt. ● Thou shalt not practice divination or magic. ● Thou shalt not cut your hair into a round shape or trim your beard. ● Thou shalt not cut or make signs on your bodies in your Will upon death. ● Thou shalt not drive your daughter to whoredom, so that the land shall not practice prostiitution. ● Follow my sabbaths and stand in awe of my sanctuary. ● Thou shalt not turn to necromancers, interpret signs; you shall not question that you are not unclean. Thou shalt rise up before the grey head and honour the ancients and be afraid of God. I am the Lord! Do not oppress a stranger in your land. He shall dwell with you, love him as you do your faith and yourself. For you were also strangers in the land of Egypt. Ye shall not be unrighteous in judgement, measure everything with the same yardstick, in weight, or in measure. Correct balance, weight, and measure. I am the Lord, your God, and so shall ye follow my statutes!