They probably took place in 30 A.D. in any case not later than 36 A.D.; they ended between 64 and 67 A.D. and were compiled between 70 and 95 A.D. They probably were written at the same time as almost all the Gospels. Possibly even earlier, but then John's Gospel was definitely written at that time as well, as least in the version that has been handed down to us. The Acts of the Apostles is a "continuous chronicle" which is an attempt to bear witness to the historical writings of the early church and to preserve them. Luke, the author drew on various sources and rewrote all of it so carefully that it serves these purposes. Stylistically it cannot be said to be uniform. The chronology is often lacking or time schedules are confused. Although Luke is referred to in the Epistle to the Colossians as the much loved doctor and close friend of Paul, his identity has however never been proven, nor that he was a painter or even painted (which really seems like a fantasy) Christendom's first portrait of the Madonna. However it is fairly certain that Luke is the same author as the one who wrote Luke's Gospel. Yes, even that the Acts of the Apostles are part 2 of the Gospel. Both are written in Greek. As the document of Pauline Christianity designating of James the younger, brother of Jesus as the 1st Bishop of Jerusalem, it shows from Paul's point of view the serious split from the Jerusalem enclave. Once it was the early church, but now the Pauline church has long set the standard of Christianity in Jesus. Paul was the same fanatic as he was before as Saul. The training is mentioned by him as being 3 years of learning or conversion (like in the Quran). There was great mistrust of Paul in Jerusalem. And these reservations moved Paul into exile in Tarsus, the city where he was born. But this is the origin of Paul's 3 purities. Paul stayed quite long in Antioch to teach there. But Paul, who could have had no family relationship with Jesus or his brothers, was basically like Christianity's 1st heretic, whose teaching far diverged from the original, pure form of Christianity (whose members were called Christians for the first time in Antioch). Jesus as a convinced follower of Jewish laws, considered it godless to allow a human to be worshiped. But Paul pushed God aside and set up Jesus for the first time as someone to be worshiped. Thus he became James' opponent. When Paul went so far as to give up the law of Moses, he was advised to do penance for a week. The constant uproar that Paul caused finally had him imprisoned. He was prosecuted, but no major accusations could be held against him. Paul was kept imprisoned Jesus as a convinced follower of Jewish laws, considered it godless to allow a human to be worshiped. But Paul pushed God aside and set up Jesus for the first time as someone to be worshiped. Thus he became James' opponent. When Paul went so far as to give up the law of Moses, he was advised to do penance for a week. The constant uproar that Paul caused finally had him imprisoned. He was prosecuted, but no major accusations could be held against him. Paul was kept imprisoned in the fort of Antonia. He appealed under his rights as a Roman citizen and remained safe from torture and beatings although he was kept under arrest. This protective imprisonment was transferred from Jerusalem to Caesarea with 470 soldiers, 200 infantry, 200 lancers. Under the protection of governor Felix and later Festus, he was sent off to Rome where he waited to stand trial. An odyssey began, and a shipwreck among other things and they ran aground in Malta. The Acts of the Apostles break off at different stages until they get to Rome, but a real end is missing. Maybe it was lost or the author was not able continue. The later version says at one point that Paul was brought into prison and had a personal audience with Nero. He was freed and brought to Spain. Another version says that Nero ordered his execution, so he met Peter in a Roman prison and they both suffered a martyr's death together. But perhaps Luke knew too much and for that reason he cut off the end on purpose. Or alternatively it was struck out by whoever worked on it later. However the conflict between James and Paul needed a decision. If James had been the victor in this battle, there would be no Christendom, but instead a special form of Judaism, which might or might not have imposed itself against other Judaic groups. But with Paul's teaching, the new movement for the next three centuries practically got a completely new religion, that had precious little to do with its founder, namely Jesus Christ!. W.W.