Islands should keep silent. Who does everything - the Lord! Gold will be smoothed on the anvil. Master takes the goldsmith by the hand. Land of Jacob, Abraham's offspring that I chose to be my servant, be not afraid people of Israel, I am with you. Whoever quarrels with you should die. For I am the Lord. Be not afraid Jacob you little worm, Israel you miserable crowd, I will help you - make pools of water in the desert, crush the powerful into the mortar, as the potter treads the clay. Bringer of good news to Jerusalem. Behold you and your work are as nothing, it is an abomination to choose you. The servant of God - I have given in my spirit. Reed, wick, righteousness to the Gentiles, the islands are his instructions. I the Lord make him the light of the Gentiles, eyes of the blind, release prisoners from prisons and dungeons No honor for idols, I continually announce new things - sea deserts Cities, villages and rocks - sing my song - God the fighter, like a warrior screams like a woman giving birth. I alter the landscape, darkness becomes light. Who has plundered Jacob - stolen from Israel, God has punished the people around about with war and terror and fire.