Saul fell down before Samuel. “Why have you disturbed my rest?” “The Philistines make war against me, and God has departed from me.” “The Lord has torn the kingdom from your handand given it to your neighbor. The Lord will also give the kingdom into the hand of the Philistines. Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. The army will also belong to the Philistines.” Then Saul fell his full length on the ground, and was greatly terrified. There was no strength in him. Then the woman came to him, “Behold, your servant has obeyed you! Now obey me and eat a morsel of bread, that you may have strength again.” But he refused. The woman had a fattened calf in the house, she prepared it and baked unleavened bread and brought it before Saul and his two men. Then they went away that night.