Commandments of Justice and Charity 1. You shall not spread false rumors and do not help the wicked. 2. You shall not follow a crowd to do evil. 3. You shall not favor the poor. 4. If your enemy's animal goes astray, you shall bring it back to him. Also help his animal when it is alone. 6. Do no deny justice to the poor. 7. Keep far from the lies of others - do not kill the innocent and the righteous. 9. Do not oppress foreigners. 10. For six years you shall harvest your land. But in the seventh year, let it rest and lie. Let the poor eat from it; and what is left over, the wild animals shall eat. The same also for vineyards and olive trees. 11. You shall work six days, on the seventh day you shall celebrate and your ox and donkey shall rest and your slave’s son and the foreigner shall be refreshed. 12. Follow me and do not call upon the name of other gods. 13. Three times a year you shall celebrate a feast: first, the feast of unleavened bread in the month of Abib = ripe ears of corn (March, April). Second, the feast of the harvest and the first fruits. Third, the feast of the harvest at the end of the year. Three times a year shall all the males appear before the Lord and the rulers. 14. You shall not offer the blood of sacrifice with leavened bread, and the fat shall not remain until the morning. 15. You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk. 16. Follow my angel who goes before you. 17. Serve the Lord, your God, and I will take all sicknesses away from you. You shall make no covenants with other gods and their worshippers, so they will not lead you to sin against me.