Behold, you were sold for your iniquities. With my rebuke I dry up the sea, the rivers a wilderness. I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I cover them with mourning. The Lord gave me a tongue to speak at the right time. Every morning he wakes up my ear. I gave my back to those who beat me, and my cheeks to those who fought me, offered my face to shame and spittle. God helps and I will not be destroyed. Who will damn me, all you who kindle a fire and ignite torches, go into the braze of your fire, You will lie down in sorrow. Yes the Lord comforts Zion all her ruins like Eden and all deserts. The desert land like the garden of Yahweh with joy and gladness therein. I will establish my justice for a light to the peoples. The islands will wait for me, and they will trust my arm The Lord intervenes with power and comfort. I, the Lord, have taken out of your hand the cup of staggering. They shall not walk on your back.