The rights of Hebrew slaves Slave law (set free after six years) Slaves with or without a wife Slaves whose masters give them a wife - their children belong to the master - Slaves who freely wish to remain have their ear bored with an awl A daughter who is bought may not be set free but if she is, she is redeemed, she may not be sold to a foreign people If a female slave is to be married to his son, marital law applies. If the son takes another wife to himself, this does not diminish the first wife’s food, clothing and marital rights. Offenses against life and limb One who commits manslaughter shall be put to death One who commits premeditated murder shall be put to death One who kills father or mother shall be put to death One who kidnaps shall be put to death One who curses father or mother shall be put to death The payment for causing permanent injuries is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, burning for burning, bruise for bruise, wound for wound Bodily offences by striking = making payment to the person who was maimed If a bull gores a man or a woman and they die, the bull shall be stoned. If a bull has gored in the past, and this has been testified to by its owner - the owner shall be put to death. For goring slaves, shekels of silver. If a man digs a well and doesn’t cover it, so that it becomes a pitfall, shall pay. He who steals a bull or sheep, shall pay fivefold for the bull, fourfold for the sheep.