An old prophet lived in Bethel. His sons told him the story of the king. Then the father asked, “Which way did he go?” They told him that he came from Judah. They saddled the prophet’s donkey and the prophet found the man sitting under an oak. The prophet invited him, but he refused it again, “God told me not to eat or drink and to not return to this place.” The prophet lied and saying that an angel had commanded him bring him back to his house, that he might drink and refresh himself. As he sat at the table, God called to the man, “Because you have disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and have come back, your body shall not rest the tomb of your fathers.” The prophet gave him his donkey to ride back. But a lion attacked him on the way and killed him. And people saw him laying on the way and told the prophet and he came and he saw the lion standing by the body and the donkey, for it had not eaten its victim. And he took up the body and brought back to his house in the city, to mourn. Then he put him in his own grave. He commanded his son to lay him in the grave with the man of God after his death, because then what he had cried out would be fulfilled.
Jeroboam made new priests for the high places and did not return from his evil way. This thing became a sin to the house of Jeroboam, so that it perished and was destroyed from the earth.