Ahithophel said, “I will choose twelve thousand men and pursue after David while he is still tired, strike him and make his entire army afraid, so they will flee and I will kill the king when he is alone.” This pleased Absalom and Hushai also asked about this plan. But he said, “It is not good advice. You know your father and his men, they are strong like bears, and David is a man of war. If there is a battle and some your army have fallen at first, there will be a rumor that Absalom’s army has been defeated, then it would be bad for you, Absalom, in Israel.” And Hushai advised Absalom to collect all Israel and take them with him, to capture David. The counsel of Hushai was more convincing than the counsel of Ahithophel. Then Hushai told Zadok and Abiathar that they should tell David about Jonathan and Ahimaaz, who were by the well at Rogel. A female servant went there from time to time to bring him news, which they told to David.