David had won Saul’s daughter Merab for his wife, because he fought against the Philistines and Saul was supposed to give her to David. But, when the time came, Saul did not keep his word, but gave her to Adriel the Meholathite instead. But Michal, who was also one of Saul’s daughters, was very fond of David. And Saul thought it was a good way to set a snare for him. “Two years from today you can become my son-in-law.” And Saul told his servants to talk to David. But David responded modestly, “I am a poor man, and not well known.” When they told this to Saul, Saul told them to tell David he had to pay a dowry of one hundred foreskins of the Philistines. Because Saul hoped the Philistines would destroy him this way.