I am 120 years old, he said to the people, can no longer go in and out. The Lord commanded me not to cross the Jordan. Joshua is to go before you and you are to act according to the commandments as I have given them to you. Moses called Joshua and said: do not lose heart, the Lord himself goes with you, not take his hand away, not leave you.
Do not be afraid, Joshua for you will bring the people into the land that the promised to give their fathers to divide amongst them.
Moses wrote down the law and commanded the priests to proclaim them in the eyes of the Lord every seven years at the time of the Jubilee year at the feast of tabernacles. That the children who do not know it also hear it that they may fear god all of their days.
And God said to Moses: behold, your time has come that you must die. Summon Joshua to the tabernacle that I may give him commands.
There appeared the Lord in the tabernacle in a pillar of cloud in the doorway and said: Moses, you will sleep with your people, while the people rise up. Write this song down and teach it to the Israelites. That I may bring them into a land where milk and honey flow. And you, Joshua shall lead them there.
And Moses recited this song through to its last word to Israel, before the elders and the officials.