LAMED (lamed) = l /
Your word is steadfast like the heavens, oh Lord,
from generation to generation your faithfulness
remains on this earth, established by you.
I will not forget your commandments –
you have revived me with them for all time.
I am yours – save me. I will consider your statutes.
The wicked have waited for me, to destroy me.
But I trust in you.
I have seen a limit to all perfection,
but your commands are boundless.
MEM (mem) = m /
How I love your law!
It makes me wiser than my enemies,
and gives me more understanding than all my teachers,
and more insight than the elders.
I have kept my feet from every evil way,
that I might observe your word.
I have not turned away from your ordinances.
How sweet they are to my taste,
sweeter than honey are your precepts.