Whosoever pricks another's eye, causes tears to fall. Whosoever pricks another's heart causes trouble. Whosoever throws a stone at birds will chase them away. Do not revile your friend, for it destroys a friendship. Even if you have drawn a sword against a friend, do not give up hope of becoming friends again. Reviling, arrogance, disclosing of secrets, and treacherous words will chase away any friend. Remain steadfast to your friend in his poverty so you may rejoice with him when he is doing well again. Smoke and vapor come before a fire, and so too reviling comes before bloodshed. I will not be ashamed to help and protect a friend – I will not turn away from him. If any evil happen to me because of him, then everyone that hears it will beware of him. Oh, that a lock could be placed on my mouth, and a seal on my lips.