Behold the arm of the Lord. It is long so that he can save; his ears are not dull. Your iniquities have separated you from God. Your sins have hidden his face from you. Your hands are defiled with blood, your fingers with iniquity, your lips with lies, your tongue with wickedness, no one pleads in truth. They trust in vanity and speak lies. They conceive mischief, and give birth to iniquity, they hatch adders eggs and weave the spider's web. He who eats of their eggs dies and that which is crushed breaks out into a viper. Bad webs for clothing Their works are works of iniquity, violence in their hands. Their feet run to evil. Desolation and destruction in their paths. Thoughts of iniquity. No way of peace. They are in the twilight like dead men, roar like bears, moan like doves. Truth is lacking. The Lord sees all this. He will repay these deeds when he comes like a rushing stream, driven by his breath, the Lord speaks: My spirit who is on you and my words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from you, your children and your children's children from now on and forever more.