Solomon brought Hiram from Tyre. He performed all the work. He formed the two bronze, copper pillars. The height of one was eighteen cubits and a band of twelve cubits encircled it. Its thickness was four fingers and it was hollow. He made two five cubit high capitals of brass to put on top. And on each knob (capital), which were cast from copper, was latticework and seven braided wreaths like chains. On each knob, two rows of pomegranates were all around. And the knobs were like lilies, each four cubits thick. And there were 200 pomegranates in rows around the top and bottom of the latticework that went around the curvature of the knob, on both sides. And he set them in the porch of the temple.
Then he made the sea, which was ten cubits from one side to the other.
The measure all around was 30 cubits. There were buds on the border around the sea, two rows of buds, ten in each cubit. The sea stood on the backs of twelve oxen. Three facing north, three south, three east and three west. The sea was a hand width thick. It held 2,000 buckets of water (2,000 baths).
And Hiram also made the pots, shovels and the basins of copper.
Solomon also had all the vessels made for the house of God: the golden altar and ten golden tables for the showbread. Ten candlesticks, five on the left and right side of the altar. Golden flowers, lamps and the tongs. These cups, snuffers, basins, spoons and pans were made of gold. Everything was of gold, even the hinges for the doors of the sanctuary. Thus all the work was completed. And he brought into the house of God into everything that his father David had dedicated and put them in the treasuries of the house.