I went to work as the last, like a man who gleans after the grape gatherers. God gave me blessings, so that I was able to fill my holds as one who gathered during the main harvest.
Consider that I labored not for myself alone, but rather for all who seek instruction.
Hear me, you great men of the people and you rulers of the congregation!
To son and wife, to brother and friend, give not power over while you live, and give not your goods to another, lest you regret it later and have to ask back what you have given.
As long as you live, do not give over your place to another.
Better that your children need you, than that you need them.
In everything you do, keep the power to decide in your own hand, and do not let your honor be taken from you.
When your end is near, divide your inheritance.
The donkey needs feed, a stick, and his burden; the slave needs bread, discipline, and work.
Set your slave to work and you shall find rest; leave his hands idle, and he will seek liberty.
But do not place too much work on anyone, and do nothing unless you have a right to do it.
If you have a slave, let him be as yourself, for you have bought him dearly; treat him like a brother, for you need him as much as you need your own life.
But if you treat him poorly so that he runs away – where will you seek him then?