He who is hasty to trust is light-minded, and he who sins hurts himself.
He who rejoices over evil will be hated. He who repeats what is told him lacks understanding.
If you hear something evil, staying silent won't do you any harm.
Tell neither friend nor foe.
For he has heard you, and others will protect themselves from you and you will feel
their hatred from time to time.
If you have heard something, let it die with you. You will not burst because of it.
It breaks forth from a fool like a child that wants to be born.
A word in a fool's belly is like an arrow in the thigh.
Reprove a friend, so he will do it no more.
Reprove your neighbor; it may be that he did not say it, and if he has said it, that he may not say it again.
Reprove a friend, for sometimes there is slander.
Often, a word may slip out which was not meant in an evil way.
Reprove your neighbor before you threaten him: do what God's
law demands.