A well-traveled man understands many things, and a man with much experience can teach wisdom. A man who has traveled widely has more understanding than an inexperienced man. He knows more than he says. My knowledge has often saved me from mortal danger. The man who fears God in his soul will remain alive, for their hope is in him who can help them. He who fears the Lord has confidence, for the eyes of the Lord look upon those who love him. He is a shield and a strong support, and a protection against the heat. He is a roof during the hot midday sun; he protects from stumbling and from falling, he makes the heart rejoice and brings happiness, health, life, and blessings. He who sacrifices ill-gotten goods mocks God. The creator has no pleasure in offerings of the godless; a multitude of offerings will not forgive them their sins. He who sacrifices from the goods of the poor is like a man who slaughters a son before his father. The poor man has little bread on which to live; anyone who takes it away from him is a murderer. A man who does not give the workman his wages is a bloodhound. One builds, and another tears down – what profit do either of them have? Whose voice will the Lord listen to? The voice of the man who prays to him, or the one who curses him? What good is washing, if a man touches a dead body, washes himself, and then touches it again? What good is fasting for sins, if a man sins again?