Three things please me, which are beautiful before God and men. When brothers are unified, when neighbors are kind to one another, and when a husband and wife get along well with one another. I am the enemy of three things. They are: poor man who is arrogant, a rich man who is a liar, and an old fool who is an adulterer. Gather in your youth, that you might find in your old age. If the elders can judge and take counsel, then wisdom will be the crown of old age. There are ten good things: a man who has joy in his children, a man that lives to look down upon the fall of his enemies, a man who has an understanding wife, a man who has not slipped with his tongue, a man who has not served a man who is unworthy of him, a man that has a loyal friend, a man who is wise and who teaches others who want to listen. How great is he, the wise man? There is none above him that fears the Lord; he rises above all things which would hold him down. The plague of the heart is the greatest of the plagues. A wicked woman is the worst. The hate of the people is the greatest calamity. The vengeance of enemies is the most boundless. Serpent's poison is bitter poison. The wrath of an enemy is the worst wrath. I will rather dwell with a lion and a dragon than with a wicked woman. If she becomes angry, her look changes; she darkens her countenance as a bear does. All other evil seems minor against the evil of a wicked woman. A wicked woman makes for a troubled heart. A wife who does not make her husband happy makes his hands slack and his knees lame.