The beauty of the heights is the bright firmament. The appearance of the heavens is glorious to look upon. When the sun comes up, it heralds the day. It is a miracle of God. At midday, it dries up the country. An oven heats clay, but the sun heats the mountains three times more. It breathes out fire, blinding the eyes. Great is the Lord, who has made it and who commands it to hasten through its course And the moon must also shine over all things in its time, and for a declaration of times. It is light which wanes and then increases again. It gives the months their names, and changes wonderfully. It is a standard for the armies of heaven. The bright stars are a shining ornament in the highest places of the Lord. They keep to their order through God's word and do not grow tired when they stand at the watch. Look upon the rainbow, and praise him that made it. It draws a shining arch across the heavens. God's hand has stretched it out. At his word, the heavens open up and pour out snow. Lightning and the clouds fly forth as birds. He presses the clouds, so that they hail. His summer frightens the earth, and mountains tremble before him. His will causes the south wind, north wind, and whirlwind to blow. Snow falls down like locusts. And it blinds the eyes. He pours down hoarfrost on the earth like salt. Water becomes ice. Whatever is standing on the mountains burns like a breath of fire, and he scorches everything green as though with fire. The moist fog heals, and dew brings cheerfulness after heat. He sows islands in the ocean and watches over it. They that sail on the sea tell of the dangers of the ocean. There are many things there – many animals and great fish.