So long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a bondservant, though he is lord of all. But when the fullness of the time came, God sent out his Son, born to a woman, born under the law. That he might redeem those who were under the law that we might receive the adoption of children. However at that time, not knowing God, you were in bondage to those who by nature are not gods. Why do you turn back again to the weak and miserable elemental principles, to which you desire to be in bondage all over again? You know that because of weakness in the flesh I preached the Gospel to you the first time. You didn’t despise nor reject; but you received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. How blessed you were at that time. Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? My little children, of whom I am again in travail until Christ is formed in you. It is written that Abraham had two sons. One by the servant, and one by the free woman. The son by the servant was born according to the flesh. But the son by the free woman was born through promise. These are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children to bondage, which is Hagar (this is Mount Sinai). But the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is the mother of us all. So we are not children of a servant, but of the free woman.