You shall keep all of the commandments that I give you today that you may live. It was to know what was in your heart that you wandered through the desert for 40 years, you were humbled and tested, one fed you on manna in order to show you that man does not live on bread alone, but from all that leaves the Lord's mouth. Your clothing is not torn, your feet are not swollen. God raised you like a son. Fear your Lord into a land with lakes, rivers, wells in the meadows and mountains, grain, barley, vines, fig trees and pomegranates growing there. There are olive trees and honey, enough bread. The rocks contain iron, copper from the mountains. When you are full you shall bless the Lord. Take care not to forget the Lord, to obey his laws. When you are full, build beautiful houses, your children and sheep, your gold and silver and everything else, then take care, not to forget the Lord, your God, for he went before you in the vast, terrible desert where there were fiery serpents and scorpions, droughts and no water, where water gushed from the hard boulder, fed you with manna. You may think that it was your powers and hands that produced your riches. No, think on the Lord, your God, for it is He who gave you the strength for the sake of His covenant He swore with your fathers. However, you will perish if you forget the Lord and follow other gods.