Lift your voice like a trumpet! Why do we fast, we chastise and you do not look at it?
God: You argue and quarrel, knock down with a godless fist, go about your business and oppress all your workers - it should not be so. Instead: (correct!) release those that you have tied up unjustly, let those that you have put under your yoke alone, break your bread for the hungry, lead the homeless into the house, clothe the naked. Do not distance yourself from your flesh and blood. - Then your light will shine out like the dawn. Your salvation goes before you and righteousness also. The glory of the Lord will decide your doings. Call and the Lord will answer you and all that will become a noonday light out of the darkness. The Lord will guide you, strengthen your bones You will be like a watered garden. Everything will grow green again. Keep the Sabbath and you will have your joy with the Lord.