In Jaffa there was a disciple called Tabitha (doe), who died
of an illness. Peter was fetched from Lydda which was nearby. The
weeping and wailing women poured out of the upper floor.
He knelt before Tabitha and asked Tabitha to stand up! He spoke to her
and afterwards she opened her eyes and sat up. He gave her his hand
and let her stand up. Then she showed herself to the holy people and the widows and all of Jaffa was converted.
Peter stayed a long time in Jaffa with Simon the tanner. Once Peter climbed up to the roof to pray at the 6th hour. As he was then hungry, he wished to eat. But when they prepared the meal he went into a trance and saw the heavens opened and a vessel came down like a large linen cloth let down to earth by the four corners. In it were all the four-footed and creeping animals of the earth and the birds of heaven. "Arise Peter, kill and eat!" spoke a voice. "O, no Lord! I have never eaten anything profane or unclean." And the voice spoke again! "What God has made pure, you ought not call profane. And the Lord spoke then a 3rd time. While he was still puzzled by the story, there came men from Caesarea to the door sent by Captain Cornelius to fetch him.