And the Lord sent Nathan to David and said, “There were two men in the city, the one rich, and the other poor. The rich man had many, many sheep. The poor man only had just one. He cared for it as if it were his child. It ate of his own food, and drank of his own cup. It lay in his bosom and was like a daughter to him. But when a guest came to the rich man, he could not bring himself to take from his sheep and cattle to prepare a meal for his guest, so he took the poor man’s only sheep and prepared it. And David became angry at the man who did this, and said he deserved to die and that he must pay back the sheep fourfold. Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man. Thus says the Lord, who anointed you as king, rescued you out of the hand of Saul, who gave you your master’s house and his wives, as well as the house of Israel and Judah. Why have you, David, despised the word of the Lord? Behold, says the Lord, I will bring evil upon you out of your own house, I will take your wives and give them to your neighbor and he will lie with them before the eyes of the people.